Source: ftdatasquasher.js

 * FT Data Squasher
 * Data compression and decompression support, packing base64 into UTF8 high and
 * low bytes.
 * A requireable module of the compression and decompression algorithm
 * {@link|described by @triblondon}.
 * @module ftdatasquasher
 * @copyright The Financial Times Limited [All rights reserved]

/*jshint laxbreak:true*/

 * Squash the (assumed base 64 encoded) string using the algorithm
 * @access public
 * @param {string} data The un-squashed string
 * @returns string
function compress(data) {
  var i, l, out = '';

  // If string is not an even number of characters, pad it with a space, so that
  // when these bytes are read as UTF-16 data, the final character is complete
  if (data.length % 2 !== 0) {
    data += ' ';

  for (i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i += 2) {
    out += String.fromCharCode((data.charCodeAt(i) * 256)
      + data.charCodeAt(i + 1));

  return out;


 * Unsquaash the data using the algorithm
 * @access public
 * @param {string} data The compressed data to uncompress
 * @returns string
function decompress(data) {

   // Findings when optimising this function for homescreen iOS 6:
   // 1) Bitwise maths is significantly faster - ~1.25x faster
   // 2) Caching fromCharCode method slightly faster - ~1.03x faster
   // 3) Eliminating temporary storage variables - ~1.1x faster
   // 4) Passing multiple arguments to fromCharCode is complex; with just two,
   //    slower (!) - ~1.10x slower - but combined with unrolling, faster,
   // 5) Unrolling the loop is faster, although with diminishing returns - never
   //    near linear.
   // 6) Combining unrolling with multiple arguments to fromCharCode leads to a
   //    bigger speed increase due to batched string creation.
  var i, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n11, n12, n13, n14, n15, n16;
  var getCharacterCode = String.fromCharCode;
  var decompressedData = '';

  // While l is ultimately the length to process, unrolling the loop needs to
  // process the data in batches, in this case of 16; so start with the length
  // rounded to a multiple of 16.
  var l = (data.length >> 4 << 4);

  // In a loop, process the data in batches of 16 characters.
  for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {

    // Copy to local variables representing the character code at the positions
    n1 = data.charCodeAt(i);
    n2 = data.charCodeAt(++i);
    n3 = data.charCodeAt(++i);
    n4 = data.charCodeAt(++i);
    n5 = data.charCodeAt(++i);
    n6 = data.charCodeAt(++i);
    n7 = data.charCodeAt(++i);
    n8 = data.charCodeAt(++i);
    n9 = data.charCodeAt(++i);
    n10 = data.charCodeAt(++i);
    n11 = data.charCodeAt(++i);
    n12 = data.charCodeAt(++i);
    n13 = data.charCodeAt(++i);
    n14 = data.charCodeAt(++i);
    n15 = data.charCodeAt(++i);
    n16 = data.charCodeAt(++i);

    // Use String.fromCharCode (or a cached version of same) to get the ascii
    // characters from the high and low parts of each of the characters. In
    // other words, each character from the passed-in data is converted via:
    //   decompressedData += String.fromCharCode(n >> 8)
    //     + String.fromCharCode(n & 255)
    decompressedData += getCharacterCode(
      n1 >> 8, n1 & 255, n2 >> 8, n2 & 255, n3 >> 8, n3 & 255, n4 >> 8, n4 & 255,
      n5 >> 8, n5 & 255, n6 >> 8, n6 & 255, n7 >> 8, n7 & 255, n8 >> 8, n8 & 255,
      n9 >> 8, n9 & 255, n10 >> 8, n10 & 255, n11 >> 8, n11 & 255, n12 >> 8, n12 & 255,
      n13 >> 8, n13 & 255, n14 >> 8, n14 & 255, n15 >> 8, n15 & 255, n16 >> 8, n16 & 255

  // Finally, output the end of the string, by processing any characters left
  // over after the groups of 16 have been handled.
  for (l = data.length; i < l; i++) {
    n1 = data.charCodeAt(i);
    decompressedData += getCharacterCode(n1 >> 8) + getCharacterCode(n1 & 255);

  return decompressedData;

module.exports = {
  compress: compress,
  decompress: decompress